

The History

Zerocento was born in Faenza the 19th December 1986 as socio-educational and care services cooperative, from the idea of a group of persons working mainly in the field of education. The name “Zerocento” was selected to symbolize a qualified and not specialized vocation of the cooperative, which today works in the field of welfare full spectrum, including multiple age groups (from 0 to 100) and different needs.

Guarding the territory and continuous attention to community needs represent the first objective for Zerocento and, since always, its founding values.

Adopting requests of Law 8/11/1991 nr. 381 on social cooperatives, Zerocento was transformed in social cooperative type A to “pursue the general interest of community to human promotion and social integration of citizens ” through the management of health-care and educational services. Today Zerocento has a leadership position in Ravenna province and among national enterprises in the sector of care services. It is a strongly consolidated enterprise, with a technical know-how and an organizational and financial capacity allowing it to supply appropriate responses to new and emerging health-care, educational and social needs.

In 2015, Zerocento had a turnover of more than 16.000.000 €.

Fields of intervention

Zerocento works in the social, educational, health, recreational, rehabilitation and nursing sectors achieving activities as planning, organizing and managing different types of services, oriented to different types of users.

Three are the organizational and management sectors (Childhood, Youth and Mental health, Elderly and Disability) inside which are operated the services described below for type and user similarity.

Childhood sector

Together with nursery schools, various are the integrated and experimental services in which Zerocento matured managing experiences.

Small educational groups, Children Spaces and Playing centers for children and parents give flexible and diversified answers to children and families needs. In all structures work an equipe composed by qualified educative and auxiliary staff, formed mainly by cooperative members, referring to a pedagogical coordinator, with a role of planning and organizational support.

Youth and Mental health sector

Educational services are addressed to young people, Italians and foreign, with social and behavioral difficulties, whose reception is finalized to assure all of them an individual life project. Ease promotion and youth starring role, deviance prevention and damage reduction are the aims of educational services of this area.

Elderly and disability sector

The planned answers for tis target ranges from home help services to residential ones, till medium-high complexity interventions, work-based learning path planning and support and backing intervention in everyday life. All these services finalized to the improvement of life quality, occupy members and workers in charge of grassroots assistance, helath-care and educational operators.

Flickr CC BY 2.0 Nick AmoscatoSchool

Supplementary school services for study accompaniment and tutoring, extra school laboratories and ad hoc projects addressed to children and young people for recreational and didactical activities, through a focused planning on specific characteristics of services and in compliance with different age groups.

Disadvantaged adults

These services are addressed to the reception of adults who, for temporary multidimensional disadvantage situations, are or live in social vulnerability conditions.

Mission and values

Zerocento cooperative is registered in the Regional Register of Social Cooperatives with resolution of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Council nr. 1190 and has the aim of pursuing the general interest of the community to human promotion and social integration.

With 409 members and 128 workers/employees, of which 65% are under 45 years old and with more than 100 active projects, Zerocento receives more than 3000 users of every age group.

Societal governance

Board of directors

  • Arianna Marchi – President
  • Renzo Ricci – Council member and Vice President
  • Benedetta Querzani – Council member
  • Tiziana Ferroni – Council member
  • Gabriele Ghini – Council member
  • Simone Camanzi – Council member
  • Simona Davenia – Council member
  • Daniela Zannoni – Council member
  • Paola Guerra – Council member
Board of statutory auditors

    • Severino Costa – President
    • Giulia Casadio – Effective Statutory auditor
    • Luciano Dal Prato – Effective Statutory auditor
    • Piertommaso Caldarelli – Substitute Statutory auditor
    • Rinaldo Fontana – Substitute Statutory auditor

Business governance

Executive committee

  • Arianna Marchi
  • Theodora Gorilla
  • Luciano De Pedri
  • Barbara Zanotti
  • Production manager Arianna Marchi
  • Production Vice manager Theodora Gorilla
  • Administration manager Barbara Zanotti
  • Human Resources manager Luciano De Pedri
  • Safety and quality systems manager Guido Garattoni
  • Commercial and marketing manager Arianna Marchi
  • Childhood sector representative Arianna Marchi
  • Young and Mental disability sector representative Denis Gentilini
  • Elderly and disability sector representative Benedetta Querzani


A cooperative for so long deeply-rooted in the territory as Zerocento had the chance to build consolidated relationships and collaborations, allowing to understand and share new daily challenges for those in charge of living and administrating local communities.

Its daily participation to citizens and services community makes it a strategic protagonist for fostering contacts among different actors – individuals, aggregates and associates – and Administrators.


Numerous are the consortium and associations among cooperatives of which Zerocento is member, for business choices mainly of commercial nature and for the development/consolidation of different activities, among which:

  • Management and supply of childhood services in subcontracting by the Municipality of Ravenna;
  • Management of home help services for elderly and youth in Faenza and neighboring Municipalities, of Youth centers and of school integration services in schools of Faenza district;
  • Commitment on supervision, surveillance and auxiliary services on Comprehensive Schools;
  • Social planning interventions and work integration of disadvantaged groups.


Quality Guarantee / Quality and Environment Management System

The commitment of this cooperative is address to satisfy requirements and needs of the client, through the continuous evaluation of services and performances supplied, the systemic verification of contractual terms respect, of compulsory requirements and economic objectives. Zerocento works in order that its activities with environmental impact are realized in conformity with in force law rules, in the area of Environmental Management System following the requirements of the Regulation UNI EN ISO 14001.

Environmental Policies / Strategies, policies and objectives

The cooperative is totally aware of the economic strategic responsibility, addressed to environmental problems deriving from its activities, is essential for its success and for the one of its clients.

Zerocento is committed to pursue a policy of continual improvement  of its environmental performances, minimizing, where technically possible and economically feasible, every negative impact of its activities for the environment.

Headquarter and contacts

Zerocento social cooperative ONLUS has legal and administrative office in Faenza

Viale delle Ceramiche 43 – 48018 Faenza (RA)
Telephone nr. 0546/600111 / Fax nr. 0546/600119
E-mail zerocento@zerocento.coop

Other operative offices are in Lugo (RA) – Vicolo Strocchi 9/3 and in Ravenna – Via Faentina 106